Co-Host of HubSpot.TV on Friday

So yesterday Mike Volpe took the day off his normal co-hosting seat at HubSpot.TV and Karen Rubin asked me to try and fill Mike’s literally larger than life shoes.  I think I held my own, but be the judge for yourself by watching the show.  For full notes of the show check them out at the HubSpot TV – Marketing March Madness...

Happy Birthday Lara: Party in Somerville

Last night was my friendLara Simpson’s 24th birthday. Lara and I go WAY back. Way back meaning when Lara was just a little freshman in college and needed someone to fix her computer, I just happened to be the guy working the IT Help Desk that night. I won’t get into the whole story, but a few years later Lara was the first student I hired as Webmaster at Wofford and I like to think that the little letter of recommendation that I wrote for her helped to get her into Emerson for grad school (hey Lara even if we know you’re just a Bad Ass and it didn’t really help let’s just pretend like it did!). So anyway Lara led the way to Boston and when I was contemplating the move up here she was one of the first people that I contacted to...

The 1K Party and a Special Hammer Sighting

Wow what a wild last week at HubSpot. Long work days into the night, but that’s more of the norm now than the exception. I’m not complaining, “it simply is what it is”. Between these two events on Thursday and Friday it became obvious a blog post was in order. HubSpot 1K Customer Party That’s right HubSpot crossed the 1,000 customer plateau and that meant time to have a celebration with the customer base. I’m really not sure of the exact turnout but I was on Photographer duty and brought Rock Band for some good time at work including this “EPIC” performance by Ben Smith. Enjoy these photos from the event. MC Hammer makes an appearance on HubSpot TV So some of the guys got on Twitter and asked @MCHammer to stop by...

Introducing: The Hub

On Sunday we had our first meetup of “The Hub”.  So what is The Hub?  The Hub is our HubSpot band in Rock Band.  Yes we also invite guest musicians and groupies, but for the most part the band is made up of HubSpot Rock Stars.  The roster yesterday of famous twitterholics included: Rebecca Corliss – Singing Marketing star by Day Kyle Paice – Expert Marketing Consultant of Impossible Problems Dan Abdinoor – Extreme Programming Developer Ellie Mirman – Warrior Princess of Social Media Patrick Fitzsimmons – Quiet White Knight of Bug Squashing Lara Simpson – Band Groupie and PR Handler of Ancient Lore TJ Hrabota – Band Groupie and Builder of things Majestic Lead Singer Patrick Fitzsimmons and his Pipes Drummer...

The Move to Boston

What a great little adventure trip.  Yes we had a little fun eatin’ chicken… So driving close to 1,000 miles in three days really makes you want to give up driving, so I did.  I haven’t driven since returning the car 1/5/2009 and really don’t plan on it anytime soon as I left my car way back in South Carolina.  So instead of writing about our stops in D.C., Rachel‘s House, and moving into the apartment I’ll just let you see the pictures for yourself.  Heather took most of the pictures while I was driving.  Enjoy and thinks for following along with...

Family Fun for Christmas

So I guess the easiest way to describe it is that I’m really enjoying my Nikon D90. The HD video it takes isn’t that bad either. Hope you enjoy this little video. Can you tell my brother is in sales or that my mom hates being on video? Love you mom! It was nice to spend some time with the family and record some of the memories especially considering in just a few days from now I’ll be moving out of state and not seeing family on such a regular...